Lady of Winter by Renee Bedard

January 18, 2017


“Lady of Winter”

Living in New England, we tend to hear a lot of grumbling during the winter months. I think this is a rite of passage in a way. We complain about the snow, the cold, the grey short days, and the long dark nights. Maybe it is a way for some to deal with the winter. But, true to form, we put on our heavy coats and gloves to scrape the ice from our windshields and carry on as we always do. We are New Englanders after all… Hearty is our middle name. I would like to think that there is more to the season than heavy boots and hot drinks from Dunkin’ Donuts. When we give ourselves a chance to look beyond the frost, we can see that there is so much more to the silent icy landscape.

Within the silence of a snow storm, I close my eyes.
I take a breath. I settle into silence.
I reflect.

Within the cold wind that blows, I close my eyes.
I take a breath. I settle into silence.
I reflect.

Within the darkness, as The Goddess draws near, I close my eyes.
I take a breath. I settle into silence.
I reflect.

Within the warmth and depths of my soul, I close my eyes.
I take a breath. I settle into silence.
I reflect.

This has been my routine, my mantra, over the last month as I try to align myself with the energy of the season. My intent is to reconnect myself to the true breath of life all around me. It helps to keep me sane. It helps to keep me in the moment. However, I must remind myself to do this more often. If I allow it, the swells of anxiety can pull me out, far from my center like a riptide, leaving me adrift in an aimless sea. As a result, I am trapped in panic and fear. It is paralyzing. It is not constructive. It can lead me to a dark and lonely place. That is not an option for me. I simply cannot do that anymore and I choose not to. So, deep breathing with a quiet and steady focus must be on the top of my “To Do” list.

As we walk on the winding path, we tend to move through our shadow and light. We willingly delve into our depths to understand who we are and why we are here on this planet at this time. We slowly and delicately peel back our layers to rediscover parts of ourselves that no longer want to hide. We tenderly take up the pieces that crave to be released and healed. This is an ongoing process. It is something that can take us to places we never imagined. It brings us a sweet sense of liberty when we complete a cycle. With that intention, we can look forward to the dark part of the year. It is an important time to take a respite. It is when we find comfort in the silence of the darkness. We can retreat into our sacred space, our sanctuary, and embrace the silence that is all around us. We can be still and reflect on where we have been. We can begin to find where our dreams reside. We can offer ourselves the space we need with love and care in order to nurture our souls. It is the time to explore our dark. It is time to rest. We know spring will be with us soon and we must prepare before we bloom.

Connecting with the seasons is just as important as connecting with the trees in the forest and the waves upon the shore. We are a series of cycles and rhythms. Our bodies, the sun and the moon, the changing tides, the weather, and all living creatures have their own natural pace that weaves together a tapestry to connect us all. This is something that we have forgotten as a society. This may also be part of the reason why we can easily feel disconnected. We have forgotten that we are an important partner in the energy all around us. It is as natural as the wind that blows the January snow. Are you ready to reconnect?

As the darkness begins to fall on the wintery landscape covered in crystal white, call upon her. As the stars sparkle like diamonds in the midnight sky, gaze upon her. As the blistering breath of winter calls upon the winds, listen for her. She is the Lady of Winter, Mother of the Long Nights, Seeker of the Soothing Silence, and she calls to you. She asks if you remember the importance of rest. She whispers to you in the silent snow. She wraps herself around you to comfort you as she leads you to rest. Like the sleeping bear within the cave, she reminds us that we too need sleep. We need to soothe our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls. We need to dream. We need to heal. We must take the time to disengage for the chaos and reflect on what we have, what we have experienced. We require this dark and quiet time before we begin to take root and awaken in the spring.

In the time of the long dark night, call to the Lady. Talk with her. Ask her to show you how to slow down. Ask her for assistance as you rest within the earth beneath the winter snows. Dream. Dream beautiful dreams of bounties and blessings. Drift into the realm of your hopes, thoughts, and dreams with the intention to create the life you want to lead. Breathe life into your tired vessel. Rest so you may restore your energy and your creative firelight. You are deserving of the rest. You are worthy of the break. You are working as you create the dreams that you will soon manifest. Rest and do so guilt free. We need you within this beautifully woven tapestry of life. We need you. And most importantly, you need you. Restore yourself and you will melt away what does not serve your highest purpose as winter makes way for spring. Until then my friend, wrap yourself within the cloak of the Lady of Winter and sink into your soul with love, peace, comfort, and healing.

(Note: above image is Goddess of Winter by artist Amanda Sage)

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