Connecting to Heal with Our Ancestors

September 14, 2020

October 27, 2020 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm


By the thinning veil, we call upon The Morrighan. May She walk with us as we choose to look within our hearts. May we find the truth that resides within us. May She show us the way to our Ancestors, to a place of blessed reunion, communion, healing, strength, understanding, and love.

On this journey and magical working with The Morrigan, we will step forward to honor those that came before us. By looking within, we choose to release what holds us back, unbinding ourselves from the fear, doubt, anger, or sadness. Through this act of release, we can open the way for our loved ones to come forward and heal with us. We will also be holding space for our Ancestors to honor them and to embrace the wisdom they have to offer. In this sacred space, we will offer peace, love, and compassion to both side of the veil.

Please feel free to light a candle and bring a photo or small item of a loved one who has passed on to add to our virtual altar tonight. If you would like, have a journal handy to write down any messages or visions you may receive in meditation.

Class is led by Renee Bedard and cost is $40.00 – class is happening via Zoom and pre-registration is required; please contact ZuZu’s at 781-665-8844 to register, and we will send you an email with a link to the class.

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