Death Cafe at Zuzu’s Healing Arts in Melrose, MA
Facilitated by Elsa Elliott and Danielle Dionne
You are invited to join us for an open, confidential conversation about death in the fashion of the growing movement of Death Cafes. Death Cafes are being held all over the world as a place for people, often strangers, to come together to share refreshments and converse about death. We wish to bring death out of silence and provide a venue for people to speak about this openly and freely.
The objective of a Death Cafe is “To increase the awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives.” Please consider joining us.
Please note: This is not a counseling group or a bereavement group.
Cost is $10 to attend. Please call ZuZu’s to sign up at 781-665-8844.
Death Cafe was founded by Jon Underwood in the UK based on the work of Bernard Crettaz. Lizzy Miles was the first person to offer Death Café in the US. For more on death cafes: and