Healthy Personal Boundaries: The Key to Thriving Relationships with Trish Whynot

April 26, 2014

June 12, 2014 @ 7:00 pm – June 12, 2014 @ 8:45 pm
ZuZu's Healing Arts

Fences may make for good neighbors, but they don’t contribute to peaceful minds of open-hearted connections. Join us and learn what boundaries truly are versus the myths you may be trying to incorporate. We’ll discuss the different types of boundary violations, intuit a boundary violation and learn how to redirect the energy when your own boundaries are violated.

This is a powerful class – You will leave with an understanding of personal boundaries that contributes to living with an open heart; an attitude of gratitude; and thriving, healthy connections…keys to success in all areas of your life!

Class costs $35, call 781-665-8844 to register.

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