As many of you know, Owner Sue began a Raw diet back in December of 2013; to date, she has received countless inquiries on juicing & raw foods, how to get started, etc. So she called on Sharon Saulines, a certified trainer of the Raw food lifestyle to come and speak to those of you who are interested in learning more and get your questions answered by someone who can guide you herself or point you to resources to help you get started on whatever level of health you are looking to incorporate in your lifestyle. Hear how a Raw diet can not only help you lose weight, but also help heal your body from the damage the processed and fast foods that we as a nation consume daily. Come learn as Sue shares some of her personal journey and Sharon helps educate us on the in’s, out’s and details of this incredibly healing way of life.
After the talk, try free samples of juices, raw and organic snacks!
If there is enough interest, we would love to form a raw/juicing support group to help assist you with your journey – see Sue to sign up at the end of the talk.
Cost is $15 per person, cash ONLY please. Call ahead to reserve your space at 781-665-8844 or drop in and sign up today!