Summer Solstice Ritual via Zoom with Renee

May 30, 2021

June 21, 2021 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

As the sun grows, so does the light within our hearts. On the longest day of the year, we welcome summer and the bounty brings. It is a time when we are reminded to be in the moment, to come together with family and friends, have fun, and celebrate the blessings that are bestowed upon us. It is also a time when we begin to plan and prepare for what we will harvest as the days grow shorter.

Celebrate with us as we turn the Wheel of the Year and honor the blessings we share at Litha / Summer Solstice. Life all around us is flourishing as the God and Goddess unite to celebrate and bestow the blessings of life upon us all. Taking their lead, we will embrace the importance of living in the moment, enjoy what our lives have to offer, give gratitude for our blessings, and send energy and love to our dreams of what will be.

Led by Renee Bedard, we will set sacred space and perform a ritual honoring the Goddess and God and connect with the energies that are flowing and bursting with life around us. We will also take part in a group meditation with vision work. We look forward to celebrate with you!

Cost: $30.00, please call ZuZu’s to register and submit payment and give us your email address at 781-665-8844. You will receive an email with the Zoom link to the Ritual within 24 hours of payment.

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