Indigo Pool

Welcome to the Spiritually-minded Blog of ZuZu’s Owner, Sue Ustas



Even if you didn’t participate in yesterday’s marathon, or spend time near any part of it, or watch it on tv at all, you couldn’t help but feel something in the air yesterday…that something was the awesome resilience and force of the human Spirit in action. Just one year after the tragedy that rocked our city and reverberated throughout this planet, we gathered together to show this world what we are made of…not just the Boston “We”, but the human Spirit “We”.

With one of the largest fields of runners in US history, (over 32,000 participants), people from all over the world came to support the energy and intention behind this year’s event. Boston Marathon Director Dave McGillvray told a crowd of thousands packed into Hopkinton Center for the start of the race, “We’re taking back our race today – we’re taking back the finish line,” which helped set the tone for an already emotional crowd. While we certainly couldn’t un-do what happened last year, individuals gathered in the many thousands to make sure that Boston knew it was not alone in its rememberence, and honored the city, the race, the wounded (physically and emotionally), and the lost in an overwhelming show of support.
One spectator told the Boston Globe “this year they all have something different to run for…you can FEEL it,” and feel it you could – from the encouraging screams of fans to the signs cheering runners on, to the sheer numbers that showed up in the city in full force, there was an undeniable electricity in the air; comaradere amongst the crowds; and incredible heart-centered force present in the day…the force created by many who gathered together to each play a part in honoring the memory of those lost and what the race itself stands for to not just this city, but to many all over this world. Yesterday’s outpouring of emotion and strength was a testament to the human Spirit, and to what heights it is capable of rising to when it won’t be intimidated by a bully, no matter how wounded or scarred; it has the capacity, strength and ability to rise above tragedy, reclaim it’s core spark and grow that spark to bigger and brighter heights than were ever thought possible. That’s the eternal beauty of the human Spirit – it’s resilience against darkness and it’s capacity for the light, for love. Always remember what we are truly made of – and what we are truly capable of – when we join together and expand our hearts in the undeniable energy of LOVE.
Sue Ustas
ZuZu’s Healing Arts

Gratitude 4/8/2014

April 26, 2014


Gratitude has been coming easier this past week, as the weather warms up and Spring seems to be finally showing her presence…as a self-proclaimed “nature lover”, it certainly affects me during the winter months when I cannot get outdoors to spend time in nature. I absolutely love the woods, and find them not only peaceful, but healing as well, to my mind, body and spirit. When I spend an afternoon hiking in the woods, or even get to sit by a tree for a period of time, I feel refreshed, grounded, centered. Perhaps that’s why I love crystals so much…certainly during the winter months they serve as my earth-energy-connection, but now even moreso as spring arrives, I feel them emit a slightly brighter disposition as well, since coming from the earth they are still connected energetically to it.

We too, as human beings are “of” the earth, and being made up of matter, water and Spirit, have a huge and important connection to Mother Earth, which we sometimes forget in the drama or hectic pace of our everyday lives. It is extremely important for us to take time to connect to nature – to be in tune, or at a minimum at least notice her energies, moods, seasons, changes. By being in tune with the nature that surrounds us, we can stay connected to these Earth energies, and in turn, be better in tune with our own bodies and emotions. Being able to know or sense what we need to stay healthy and happy is a valuable – dare I say crucial – skill for each of us. The world we are living in today is much different from the world of 50 or even 20 years ago. Technology has allowed us to speed things up to a lightning-fast pace, and in order to stay in touch with ourselves as much as we do others via cell phones, texting, social media and other forms of modern technology, we need to get back to our inherent basics…our intuitive nature.

When things speed up, we miss details, as our mind struggles to take in everything while being over-stimulated. By nuturing our intuition, honing our emotional feelings or “spidey senses” as I like to call them, we can be proactive in any situation, large or small. Spending time in nature, allowing ourselves to step out of the current societal “norm” of being bombarded with stimulants such as texts, social media, tv and others allows us to s l o w   d o w n…to notice the small details…to come fully aware into the present moment as we observe an animal or the leaves of a tree blowing in the breeze. Being in the present moment is what meditation is all about. Being still, allowing our minds to slow down, our bodies to just breathe, to catch up from the fast-paced world we currently live in. When we are able to experience the present moment, it is there that the wisdom of our soul can speak to us, clearly, and more easily heard. It is there we connect to the divinity of the moment; of ourselves; of this earthly experience and life itself.

Meditation is a wonderful tool for silencing the mind and outside chatter and helping us slow down to honor the present moment. While we offer many different forms of meditation at ZuZu’s – through introspective books, CDs, classes, mandala coloring books – I also encourage you to get outside, go for a walk, or spend time in nature, be it the beach or the woods, as often as possible. Even just 15 minutes a day encourages the body’s natural healing abilities, lifts moods, and is enough for you to notice a positive difference after just a week or two. So now that Mother Nature is gifting us with her lovely Spring energy and weather, I urge each of you to get out there and let nature do its magic!

Sue Ustas
Owner, ZuZu’s Healing Arts

“Life is Short; Feel the Love”

March 5, 2014

Lately I have been working hard on being fully present in each moment, because that is not only where our true power lies, but because life moves so fast, and not being aware in each moment is almost like taking an express train to one final destination…yes, you will still get there, but you won’t […]

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“Holding the Light”

December 29, 2013

During the holiday season, quite often it seems everyone is tense, perhaps even moreso than usual this year. It’s almost a quiet, reserved kind of tension, the way a teenager watches the clock on a friday afternoon in a schoolroom, counting down the moments until the bell rings and they are released. It seems we […]

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Boston Strong; Anything is Possible…

October 31, 2013

If you haven’t heard yet, the Red Sox won the World Series last night, in the hometown of Boston, surrounded by an enthusiastic and celebratory crowd. While I was watching the game, in the short interviews with the players afterwards I couldn’t help but feel the emotion coming from the resounding theme they all mentioned…Boston […]

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The “Sole” Responsibilities of the “Soul” Journey

October 31, 2013

I often speak to individuals in the store about how we are in the process of our “Soul” journey. Having just returned from a vacation to Florida, I was reminded while on a ride in Epcot that human life is all about evolution…from cavemen to telephones, airplanes to computers and cell phones, we are constantly […]

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Letting Go, Grounding and Centered

September 5, 2013

Greetings! You’re probably wondering where we’ve been…well, just like the rest of you, we try to make time to “play” in the summer, but along with that, we have certainly been experiencing some major shifts that while greatly anticipated, the aftershocks have been, well…challenging to say the least. While we were all aware this year […]

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The Monster At the End of the Book

June 18, 2013

Greetings! Here we are on the verge of summer with the solstice just around the corner (6/21). The summer solstice symbolizes the light of our consciousness shining more brightly in our awareness (think ‘spiritual brightness’). The sun ‘fires up’ our passions and heats up our hearts to the potential of life. In summer, we experience […]

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May 2013

May 9, 2013

This Friday (5/10) brings us yet another eclipse, this time a Solar eclipse in the sign of Taurus. While Taurus is traditionally good at sitting still, it encourages us to do just that now. Make time to quiet the mind, the ever-judging ego, and just BE. Remember that in the midst of change, it’s best […]

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In Light of the Marathon

April 25, 2013

Greetings, ZuZu Family ~ In light of the recent events at the marathon and following it, we want you to know that we are always here for our community to support your journey – especially the healing aspect of it – whatever that may entail. Boston is a powerful city; in my experience, no matter […]

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