March – Embracing Your Shining Light – Into the Labyrinth Series with Renee

October 17, 2021

March 7, 2022 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm

INTO THE LABYRINTH Series with Renee Bedard
We travel through our lives experiencing a vast array of emotions. We have joys and sorrows. There are successes and setbacks. There are parts of us that we love to share with others that tend to be hidden far from view. But what do we do with the sorrows, setbacks, painful and traumatic events? We often hear that we need to keep positive and carry on. Looking to the bright side all the time can create harmful patterns that help us ignore our
needs, heathy habits, and in turn we can feel stuck or angry. What if instead of ignoring our darkness, our own “monster in the dark”, we made our way towards it with gentleness and a willingness to listen? What if we offered love to ourselves with gentle kindness and care? It can be a difficult thing to do. However, it is one of the
most important gifts that we can learn to give ourselves.

Walking The Labyrinth is a program that helps us move inward and listen to what our hearts have been waiting to heal. In this seven-class program, taken singularly or all together, we will offer ourselves sacred space in order to give ourselves the opportunity for shadow work. We will begin to travel the path into our depths this fall and emerge anew in spring. We will be working with many myths that talk about the descent of a ‘hero’ and the experiences that must take place for them to rise one again. Together, we will search out what is within our shadow, shedding light to allow for healing and connection to be birthed from such darkness.

Each class will run from 7 – 9:30 at 50.00 per session. Please feel free to bring a journal for personal notes and thoughts from our journey work.

Embracing Your Shining Light; Ascending Back Into the Light
We often hear that we are ‘of the Divine’, that we hold a sacred light within us to assist us as we move along our path. How do you see yourself? How do you shine? How do you embrace your light? Do you embrace your light?
In this class, we reflect on the different experiences in our lives and how it has shaped us to be who we are today. We will call upon the Goddess Theia, Goddess of the Shining Light, she who gives the shine and luster to all precious things. We will commune and discover who we are and the potential we hold to shine as bright as gold, as dazzling as a diamond, even in the darkest of nights.

Call ZuZu’s to register for this class prior to, but NO LATER thank Saturday, March 5th (we are open 11-6pm) at 781-665-8844. We will need your email address to send you the Zoom link for the class and the follow-up session happening on Monday, March 21st.

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