Led by Teacher, Psychic Intuitive & Multi-dimensional healer Renee Bedard:
“We long for connection. We search to find the deep purpose within our lives. We seek to discover the patterns that make us who we are within the tapestry of life. Here, in this Sacred Circle, we will search to find the answers within ourselves that are reflected in Nature all around us. We will work with The Goddesses, Gods, the cycles and energies of the seasons, the land, the moon, and ourselves, as we journey within. We seek to find strength, hope, healing, purpose, and our voice to create the life in which we dream. We are the ones who have the ability to shape and to change the world in which we live. We do so by offering ourselves the space to love and heal our hearts and listening to our soul. Once we do that, we can discover all of the connections that we share and create the life in which we dream.
Through meditative journeys, ritual, and gathering in circle, we will prepare ourselves for our inner work, both in and out of class. We will work with the energies around us to begin to transform ourselves so we can be comfortable within our own skin and find a deeper understanding within ourselves. Classes are every three weeks. You will receive a booklet that will cover what we will do in class for that session. In the booklet, you will also find questions, reflections, meditations, and ideas that will build the energy for the upcoming class.In between sessions, you will be encouraged to continue this process through personal meditations and journaling. We will also share a private Facebook group to build our circle community and ask any questions you may have. Sessions run in 5 class blocks. Each class is $50.00, which includes the class booklet.Please dress in comfortable clothes as we will be journeying through meditation. Feel free to bring a journal to take notes or record meditative messages.”
You MUST pre-register for each class by calling ZuZu’s no later than closing on the Saturday before at 781-665-8844. Cost for each individual class is $50.
Class schedule:
10/7: Harvest Time
In the season of the harvest, we reflect on what we have experienced over the past year as we reap what we have sown. The darker half of the year continues to grow, signaling that we must prepare ourselves for the coming winter and what we wish to heal as we move into the liminal space and we welcome our shadow.
10/28/2018 – The Decent of the Queen and the Rise of the Crone – During the time of Samhain, we can feel the energies shift and change. The God has passed, Brigid descends into the Earth and the Cailleach rises to usher in the dark half of the year. She is a guide of the liminal space and a teacher of great wisdom. We meet with The Cailleach to peer through the veil, and connect with our spiritual team. Together, we will see what is unseen within us so we may begin our journey into this powerful and transformative liminal space, releasing what no longer serves us. We will also call to our ancestors and honor them at this time.
11/18: Breathing Into the In Between
As we stand and work in the land of the In Between, we can see, feel, and uncover pieces of ourselves that we have lost long our way. Calling ourselves back in the here and now, we can stand in our truth and heal these pieces as we weave our way from darkness to light. When we call our soul pieces back to ourselves, we can then continue our healing in a deeper way.
12/9/2018: Preparing for Darkness While we Move To the Light
As we prepare for the Winter Solstice, we can feel the deepest parts of our soul. Here in the time of great darkness, we are making room for the coming light, born of the Child of Light. We too have such gifts and a light to shine. What is it that you have to offer as you shine your light? What is calling to you and for you from the depths of your soul, waiting to be revealed?
12/30: A Call to The Lady of Winter
In the growing cold, the wind will howl. The snows will fall. The ice takes its grip across lands. But are we too frozenwithin ourselves? What is it that calls to you from your depths? What have you discovered during the journey so far? We are made of flesh and blood, breath and bone. It is in those spaces that hold secrets for our strength, our foundation, our life, and the connections we keep through our ancestors. What will the Lady of Winter reveal to you? Will the Stag God offer insight as well? What understanding can we gather as we prepare for the new year ahead? What will you dream and manifest as we reflect on the past to prepare for the future?
About Renee: Renee has been a student of the magical arts for many years. As she studied, she discovered a very strong connection to the Celtic tradition. As she worked with those energies, she began to understand and develop her natural empathic and intuitive abilities. She is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Psychic Intuitive & Spirit Medium, and Multi-Dimensional Healer and Teacher offering a range of topics.
Throughout the years, she developed a strong connection with her guides as well as a high vibrational team, such as the essence of the Celtic goddess Brigid. With her team, she is able to give her clients clear information in order to help them understand themselves and their situations, and guide them in sacred space towards the path of their spiritual evolution. She currently offers private intuitive reading and healing sessions at ZuZu’s Healing Arts and also offers phone sessions as well.
Call ZuZu’s to register for any of these classes at 781-665-8844; each individual class is $50.