How to change the world in 4 easy ways

July 30, 2012

In watching “Super Soul Sunday” this weekend on the Oprah Network, I caught a mix of Marianne Williamson’s visits to her show. She spoke very simply about energy, our thoughts, and personal responsibility regarding the state of our world. I often hear customers say that they wish they could change the world, but don’t know how, or that they don’t have the resources. Here are a few thoughts I picked up from the show that I’d like to share with you, that can raise your vibration when implemented:
1. Complain less and bless more. When you have a negative or judgemental thought, choose not to express it; instead, ask yourself why you are feeling that way.
2. Intend every morning to hold space within your heart for the presence of LOVE to consciously exist.
3. Spend time every day on your own healing, as the healthier you are (emotionally and physically), the more your vibration will help heal others.
4. Set the intention each day to be part of the renaissance of love in world.

I hope these suggestions inspire you to begin a daily mindful routine of being more loving with yourself; and in turn, your world.

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